Focusing on Health

When The Health Engineer found themselves spending too much time packing and sending parcels, Stocka 3PL provided the perfect solution. Find out more about The Health Engineer and how they have found working with Stocka.

About The Health Engineer

The Health Engineer is the brainchild of Helen Cross and stemmed from her own health journey. Helen had been suffering for many years from Endometriosis. Despite this she was a successful businesswoman, having studied engineering at university and gone on to work in senior board level roles, until her quality of life was seriously affected by the pain. With the prospect of annual surgery for the rest of her life, Helen decided there must be another way. She read books and reports and listened to podcasts, eventually finding a solution to her years of suffering. As a scientist herself, she then went on to study the science behind her success before launching The Health Engineer, sharing her knowledge with others. The business was an immediate success.
Image of Helen Cross from The Health Engineer

The need for a 3PL partner

While the business is mostly about coaching and lifestyle changes, many of today’s health issues begin with food and gut health. As a result, I researched a number of different supplements to support gut healing. I found Qenda, a totally natural gut healer, in Australia and began to provide this for my clients in New Zealand.

Having worked through the importation process, it wasn’t long before Helen was asked by Qenda to become their New Zealand distributor. Helen found that shipping times from Australia were long, especially during COVID19, and began looking at storing the product in New Zealand. Helen also found that she and her assistant were spending a lot of time on order fulfilment, dragging them away from the core of the business. It was time for another solution! Helen’s previous roles had introduced her to 3PL and with a little research she discovered Stocka.

Why Stocka 3PL

Helen was initially attracted by the simplicity of Stocka’s business and as a result feels she has found a team she can trust. Stocka can handle everything from storing the product in their warehouse to delivery to customers. More than that though, Stocka provide excellent customer service to Helen and her clients, they are always positive and have a pro-active approach to problem solving. Helen values the ability to talk to everyone in the Stocka team, from warehousing to sales and marketing.

Working with Stocka has allowed me to spend my energy helping my clients and not chasing products and deliveries.

Helen is also quick to point out that Stocka provides great communication, which became particularly helpful during the Auckland floods. There is great visibility through reporting allowing Helen and her assistant to answer any questions when clients reach out with questions about their order, as well as knowing when they need to order more stock from Australia.

Stocka’s biggest benefit?

Quality is everything for The Health Engineer. Stocka have been a great fit providing the same level of care to our customers that we would have provided ourselves. We have loved everything about the service, even down to the finer details, like the fact that we could choose to personalize our packaging with messages or stickers.

What does the future hold for The Heath Engineer

Watch this space! After the successful partnership with Stocka, The Health Engineer are about to launch a newly expanded product range.

Top advice for anyone starting a business

Plan well and have a quality team around to help you. Stocka are part of that.

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