Electronics & Tech product Fulfillment

Stocka 3PL provides full visibility over inventory and orders for your tech/electronic store

See your inventory in real time

Live tracking of your order status

Serial number tracking

Know exactly which products have sold

Rest easy knowing all the serial numbers of your products are recorded against your customer. In the case of a recall, you’ll be able to quickly identify who needs to be contacted. You’ll get a dedicated portal to gain full visibility over which items have gone to whom.

Shipped with the right registration documents

Whether it’s warranties, manuals, or regulatory paperwork, we ensure that every order is shipped fully compliant and ready for immediate use. Say goodbye to delays and headaches associated with missing paperwork, and hello to seamless operations and satisfied customers.

Get accurate despatch for your tech products

Integrate your store with our WMS

We'll accurately despatch your orders as they come in

Items arrive at your customer's door

What our clients say

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